Setting up a computer audio solution is easier if you understand a few simple concepts.
Historically, computer audio evolved with separate Server and Player apps. This was so that a single Server device stored the files, and served the files to
multiple Player devices distributed on the user’s network. While some apps can perform both server and player functions, it is a good thing that in most cases
the apps are separated, because it results in better sound. Sound is improved even further by using a high-power device to run the Server app and a low-power
device to run the Player app.
The image below illustrates the typical architecture of a computer audio solution, and lists the range of Server apps and Player apps available to be used on
your Antipodes. (Note some people refer to what we call the Player as a renderer or as an end-point.)
You can read more about computer audio architecture issues in our Design page.
Setting up an Antipodes is completed using the setup Dashboards on your Antipodes. After startup, open the Antipodes website, click on the My Antipodes menu
item, and this opens the My Antipodes page, which lists any Antipodes found on your network. You can save the My Antipodes page as a shortcut to get there
faster next time.
To setup an Antipodes, click on the ‘Open’ button to open the Solution Dashboard for that Antipodes.
At the Solution Dashboard, you can manage your storage disks, add files to your music library, and setup your playback solution by selecting an Auto Preset
or by creating a User Preset. You can create as many User Presets as you wish, and you can delete User Presets you no longer need.
If your software version is not the latest available then Update buttons will appear on the Solution Dashboard. If you are up to date then the Update buttons
will not be visible. Your current version number is shown on the Server Dashboard and Player Dashboard.
Important Notes:
Using a Single Computer Antipodes. If you are using a single computer Antipodes (eg. a S40, S30, K21, K22, CX, EX, DX, etc) on its own, click on
the Open button, and in the Solution Dashboard the default Source is itself. It will show in both the Playback panel and the Server panel. Therefore you can
complete setup of your playback solution at the Solution Dashboard.
Using Two Antipodes Together. If you are using two Antipodes for your playback solution (eg. CX as Server and EX as Player, or S40 as Server and
S30 as Player, etc), then you only need to ‘Open’ the Antipodes performing the Player function (eg. the EX, or the S30, etc). The Solution Dashboard for the
Player allows you to select any other Antipodes on your network as its Source Server. Then you can manage the Server’s apps and storage setup from the Player’s
Solution Dashboard. This means a single playback solution involving two Antipodes models can be managed in the combined Solution Dashboard.
Using a Dual Computer Antipodes. With a dual computer, the Player device (eg. the K50player above) can only use the K50server as its source Server.
But single computer Antipodes can be used as Players and play from the same K50server at the same time.
Working With Third-Party Players. If you are using a non-Antipodes as the player (eg. connecting to the Ethernet connection on your DAC), then you
can open the Solution Dashboard for the Antipodes that you are using for the Server app, and configure it there.
In practice, this is very simple and easy to do, and this capability makes it a breeze to manage complex configurations. Just remember to start with the solution
Dashboard on the Player, and assemble your playback solution there. And when using a non-Antipodes player, simply open the Solution Dashboard for the Antipodes
This video shows you how to navigate to your Antipodes’ Dashboards.